Friday, November 7, 2008

The in-between stage, again...

It's a few days shy of 2 months since the big chop! I am seeing more gray but am frustrated by the ends which have some blond and red. I know I need a cut or trim, but my hair is just now getting to a length that I can tolerate! I'm trying to psych myself up for a cut and having to deal with the super short hair again. I am not a short hair person! I guess I'm just having an Eyeore moment.

And another thing, I remember hearing and reading about the texture of gray hair, how it is wirey and hard to control. NOT! My hair has always been extremely dry and felt like a horse's tail, really it did. My hair is soft now, I actually like touching it, it doesn't crackle like it did before with all the chemicals in it.


Anonymous said...

I always thought that my gray hair would be very coarse, but I was so wrong! It's very soft and feels really nice.

I have to say that I love this cut on you. It really looks good! Looks like it's growing out nicely.

Melissa said...

Thanks Patty!

And another thing, my curl is gone! I've been fighting almost spiral curls for years! Nope, they are gone. My hair has just a slight wave now.

I'm going to try and get in next week for a cut, it should get most of the color out except for a wee bit on the ends.