Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Going Gray Looking Great


I spend way too much time at this site!

 It helped me confirm my decision to give up the color and be me!
I love the stories and photos of the women in their journey. It inspired me to start this blog and maybe someday I'll share my story there. I'm not quite that brave yet. LOL

My husband and kids weren't too supportive at first. My son emphatically said NO, that I could not have gray hair that it would make me look old. He has since recanted and says that it can be gray but just don't get it cut short. LOL
My husband sort of raised his eyebrows when I told him of my plan. Now he says that he is okay with gray/silver that he just doesn't like the salt and pepper look that some people have. I have assured him that I plan on getting silver highlights if my hair turns out darker. I want pretty gray/silver hair!!!!!

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